Tag Archives: Jodi Taylor

Short and Sweet: November 2022

Hello and welcome to this instalment of Short and Sweet, my series of mini review roundups where I look back at SFF books I’ve recently read but haven’t had the time and/or headspace to review individually. Last time (back in October 2022) I kicked this series off with a hefty six books to talk about, but this time I’m going with a slightly more manageable four (well, more like three and a half really). These include a reread of a fantastic Murderbot book, a Warhammer Crime novel I’d been meaning to read for ages, the latest Horus Heresy Primarchs novel, and the next book in a series I’m gradually making my way through.

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Short and Sweet: October 2022

Hello and welcome to the first in a new series of articles that I’m tentatively calling Short and Sweet, in which I’m going to write up a few quick, informal thoughts and observations about some of the SFF books that I’ve recently read, but which I’m not planning on reviewing more thoroughly. I’ve basically pinched this idea from a friend (check out Fabienne’s ‘Review Roundup’ posts on Libri Draconis), and I’m hoping it will work for me too as a way of still talking about books for which I don’t have the time or headspace to write full, in-depth reviews. The plan is for this to be an irregular series rather than committing to a specific frequency, so to begin with at least I’ll try to write one of these posts maybe once a month, or perhaps a bit less than that, depending on what I read.

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