Tag Archives: Hallowed Knights

RAPID FIRE: Josh Reynolds Talks Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Josh Reynolds (again – as usual he’s a busy man!) about his latest Age of Sigmar novel Hallowed Knights: Black Pyramid, the follow-up to the excellent Plague Garden, which is available to order right now.

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QUICK REVIEW: Hallowed Knights: The Denied – Josh Reynolds

A short, twenty-ish minute ‘commuter audio’, Josh Reynolds’ The Denied is part of the wider Hallowed Knights series although it features new characters rather than familiar faces. Fulfilling an oath to the Collegiate Arcane, Knight-Questor Akastus has tracked down the aelf corsair Salekh after the theft of a dangerous artifact. Akastus plans to return to Hammerhal Ghyra and hand the corsair over for punishment, but as he marches Salekh in chains through the insalubrious docklands, it becomes clear that other forces are on the hunt for his prisoner as well, on behalf of ‘she who was denied’.

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QUICK REVIEW: Ghosts of Demesnus – Josh Reynolds

Josh Reynolds’ Age of Sigmar short story Ghosts of Demesnus is a Hallowed Knights story following on from Plague Garden, but it’s a little different to the usual style. Instead of the grand sweep of battle this is much smaller scale, as Gardus travels alone to the city of Demesnus in the Realm of Ghyran, where he lived in his first life. Seeking insight into the changes wrought upon him since being Reforged, he searches out familiar sights and sounds, hoping to stir old memories. The connections he finds to his past life, however, are not quite what he expected.

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Hammerhal – Josh Reynolds

Josh Reynolds’ Age of Sigmar novella Hammerhal is a surprisingly ambitious tale filled with action, adventure, faith and dark magic. Spanning the Realms of Ghyran and Aqshy, the twin cities of Hammerhal Ghyra and Hammerhal Aqsha are protected by powerful wards – but a darkness nevertheless grows within their walls, and in the dark Hexwood of the Nevergreen Mountains in Ghyran the beastkin gather. While Lord-Celestant Gardus Steel-Soul lends the Hallowed Knights’ strength to the sylvaneth against the tzaangor beastkin, knight of the Order of Azyr Sol Gage leads his comrades in excising the darkness that lurks within Hammerhal.

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Hallowed Knights: Plague Garden – Josh Reynolds

Continuing one of the most enjoyable storylines from the Age of Sigmar Realmgate Wars series, Josh Reynolds’ novel Hallowed Knights: Plague Garden returns to the Hallowed Knights’ campaign in Ghyran against the forces of Nurgle. As Lord-Castellant Grymn leads his warriors against the sargasso-citadels of the Order of the Fly, Lord-Celestant Gardus Steel Soul prepares to return to Ghyran and rejoin his warrior-chamber, accompanied by the contentious figure of Tornus the Redeemed. When Grymn is lost to the Garden of Nurgle, Gardus leads a rescue mission that risks the very souls of the Hallowed Knights.

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QUICK REVIEW: A Dirge of Dust and Steel – Josh Reynolds

Showcasing the Vanguard Chamber of the Hallowed Knights, Josh Reynolds’ Age of Sigmar short story A Dirge of Dust and Steel takes place in Shyish amidst the ruins of an ancient duardin civilisation. Lord-Aquilor Sathphren Swiftblade seeks a lost Realmgate, and in return for his aid against a daemon known as the Soulflayer the remnants of the Gazul-Zagaz – worshippers of the duardin god of the dead – have promised to help him reach his goal. The Soulflayer has tormented the duardin for centuries, but with Sathphren’s help they finally have the chance for revenge.

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The Realmgate Wars: Mortarch of Night – Josh Reynolds and David Guymer

Book nine of the Realmgate Wars series, Mortarch of Night was originally released as eight audio dramas (four by Josh Reynolds and four by David Guymer) before being rolled up into this novel. Although really two stories, the overall narrative is Sigmar’s attempt to negotiate a new alliance with Nagash, focusing mostly on one stormhost – the Hallowed Knights, specifically the Bull-hearts led by Lord-Celestant Tarsus and Lord-Relictor Ramus. Venturing into Shyish in search of the Great Necromancer, the Hallowed Knights forge an uneasy alliance that will have profound consequences, while Nagash himself appears…unhappy with the intruders into his realm.

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The Realmgate Wars: Wardens of the Everqueen – CL Werner

The fifth book in Black Library’s The Realmgate Wars series, Wardens of the Everqueen by CL Werner is the first actual novel, after four collections of novellas or short stories. Following on from Josh Reynolds’ novellas in War Storm and Ghal Maraz, this continues the story of the Hallowed Knights in the realm of Ghyran, as they fight to protect the Everqueen, Alarielle, from falling into the hands of Nurgle’s champion Torglug the Despised. Embarking on a long and perilous exodus from Ghyran alongside uneasy allies in the sylvaneth, the Hallowed Knights are plagued by Torglug’s forces at every turn.

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War Storm

The Realmgate Wars: War Storm – Black Library

 Since the introduction of the Age of Sigmar, Black Library’s Warhammer output has been mostly shorter format releases, in the shape of short stories, novellas and audio dramas. War Storm, book one of the Realmgate Wars series, is the first full-length novel to be released for Age of Sigmar, except…it isn’t. While it’s packaged as a single book, it is in fact three novellas combined into one volume, from Nick Kyme, Guy Haley and Josh Reynolds. Each novella follows a different Warrior Chamber of Stormcast Eternals in the early stages of Sigmar’s campaign to retake the mortal realms from the forces of Chaos.
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