Tag Archives: Garth Nix

QUICK REVIEW: The Case of the Somewhat Mythic Sword – Garth Nix

A short but satisfying homage to the classic Conan Doyle tales, Garth Nix’s occult detective story The Case of the Somewhat Mythic Sword features Sir Magnus Holmes, the somewhat less famous cousin of the legendary literary sleuth. Responding in Sherlock’s stead to a case more suited to his esoteric talents, Sir Magnus – accompanied by Almost Doctor Susan Shrike – investigates the appearance of a medieval knight in the cellar of a London pub. Although Holmes quickly deduces what’s happening, it turns into a case which tests his willpower and Shrike’s wits, and reveals the darkness lurking beneath the dapper detective’s civilised veneer.

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Angel Mage – Garth Nix

Set in a world of angels, monsters and musketeers, Garth Nix’s standalone fantasy novel Angel Mage cleverly transposes the essence of The Three Musketeers into a beautiful tale of magic, adventure and friendship. Over a century after fleeing her homeland of Ystara in the wake of a great tragedy, the powerful mage Liliath wakes in Sarance and begins the next stage of her grand plan. She seeks out four individuals – a musketeer, a scholar, a clerk and a doctor – who find their paths converging and who feel an unexplained connection between themselves. While Liliath spins her web for them, the four companions are swept up in events of great import and placed in danger they can’t begin to comprehend.

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