QUICK REVIEW: Acceptable Losses – Gav Thorpe

First published way back in 1998 in issue 9 of Inferno! magazine, Gav Thorpe’s Imperial Navy short story Acceptable Losses is a slice of vintage Black Library which still feels relevant and entertaining over 20 years later. Flight Commander Jaeger’s new command, the Marauder crews of Raptor Squadron, are a little rough around the edges to say the least, but he’s determined to whip them into shape. When they’re dispatched on a dangerous mission against a vast ork hulk, Raptor Squadron have the opportunity to prove their worth in battle and justify Jaeger’s faith in them.

Straight-laced Jaeger makes for an engaging protagonist, imposing discipline on the superstitious Raptor Squadron before inspiring them with an allegorical story of Imperial vengeance and then leading by example in battle. It’s a relatively straightforward narrative, offering hints of backstory to Jaeger and the men of Raptor Squadron but mostly concentrating on the tension and action of the here and now, but while Jaeger’s character arc is fairly predictable it’s no less satisfying for that. There’s a great sense of atmosphere, from a flight deck at rest to the interior of a Marauder mid-mission, along with plenty of high-stakes void-faring action, and all told it makes for entertaining, enjoyable reading.

Click this link to buy the On Wings of Blood anthology which features this story.

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