QUICK REVIEW: The Interrogation of Salvor Lermentov – Chris Wraight

Chris Wraight’s short audio drama The Interrogation of Salvor Lermentov is a direct sequel to his excellent novel Vaults of Terra: The Carrion Throne, and as such is somewhat spoilerific (even in its title). It’s a dialogue-heavy two-hander, as Inquisitor Crowl and the captive traitor Salvor Lermentov – voiced by John Banks and David Seddon respectively – match wits in a surprisingly civilised manner. There are no thumbscrews here, just impassioned arguments as two men, both loyal and dedicated in their own way, debate doctrine, history, and the state of the Imperium.

It’s a perfect fit for the audio medium, the moody music and atmospheric SFX – the ticking of a clock, the slow drip of water and the background rumble of Terra – largely forming an evocative background (but for the occasional moment of emphasis) and allowing two excellent actors to really shine. Wraight’s powerful, engaging dialogue provides an opportunity for both characters to test the other’s beliefs – Lermentov’s life has left him with a hard, black and white viewpoint, while Crowl sees things in shades of grey, exactly as you’d expect from the novel. It’s this contrast between Crowl’s pragmatic cynicism and Lermentov’s idealism and dangerous hope that forms the core of the story, and makes for an intriguing debate. Don’t expect any action (at all) or a black and white conclusion, but otherwise it’s a fascinating, beautifully written and performed little vignette.

Check out reviews for other instalments in the Vaults of Terra series.

Click here to buy The Interrogation of Salvor Lermentov.


    1. Well, that would be a total spoiler…and it’s kind of the point of checking out the story!

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