Tag Archives: Ultramarines

Death Knell – Phil Kelly

Released under the Space Marine Heroes label, Phil Kelly’s novella Death Knell takes a close look at a single squad of Ultramarines in action against overwhelming Chaos forces led by the Crimson Slaughter. After a direct assault against the enemy-held island of St. Capilene fails miserably, the Ultramarines change tactics, with Sergeant Sevastus and his Tactical squad hoping that stealth will see them safely past the island’s outer defences. With a pair of guardsmen in tow, Squad Sevastus infiltrate the haunted island and seek out its defenders, but even for the hard-bitten Tactical Marines the odds of success are steep.

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Nightfane – Nick Kyme

Picking up where Red-Marked left off, Nick Kyme’s Horus Heresy audio drama Nightfane continues the story of Aeonid Thiel as the Ultramarines Sergeant and his men investigate the hidden threats lurking in the shadows of the Five Hundred Worlds. After a somewhat bumpier landing than expected, Thiel and a small group of Ultramarines find themselves on an apparently abandoned rigging station in the midst of the acidic oceans of Bael. As they explore the station in search of its secrets – and its crew – the Red-Marked begin to uncover a darkness that lies beneath the surface of Ultramar.

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RAPID FIRE: Nick Kyme Talks Nightfane

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Nick Kyme about his latest Horus Heresy audio drama Nightfane, which is available to order right now via the Black Library website and app, and Audible!

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Spear of Ultramar – David Annandale

One of two Horus Heresy novellas billed as prequels to the Siege of Terra, David Annandale’s Spear of Ultramar provides a brief but satisfying exploration of the challenges facing Guilliman and the Ultramarines as they race for Terra. Set after the events of Ruinstorm, the Ultramarines find their path blocked by the Carchera system, which is defended by a single Grand Company of Iron Warriors. Despite being vastly outnumbered the Iron Warriors are determined to delay Guilliman for as long as they can, so lay a trap that they know the Avenging Son will recognise, but will have no choice but to spring.

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Dark Imperium: Plague War – Guy Haley

The sequel to 2017’s Dark Imperium and the second book in the trilogy, Guy Haley’s Dark Imperium: Plague War continues the story of Guilliman’s ongoing battle against the forces of his brother Mortarion. With the Death Guard rampaging throughout Greater Ultramar, Guilliman makes for embattled Parmenio where he hopes to bring Mortarion to battle and kill his corrupted brother once and for all. Forces from both sides of the conflict are drawn to Parmenio, from Mortarion’s daemonic allies to the great space station Galatan, while Guilliman’s determined secular stance is challenged by growing evidence of something (potentially) divine making itself known.

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Blood of Iax – Robbie MacNiven

Robbie MacNiven returns to the characters introduced in his short story A Brother’s Confession with the novel Blood of Iax, a Dark Imperium-era Ultramarines story featuring a Primaris-only strike force. Blood brothers Kastor and Polixis – Chaplain and Apothecary respectively – are part of Strike Force Fulminata, and are taking the fight to the invading orks on Ikara IX when the tide turns and Imperial forces hurriedly go on the defensive. The arrival of ork warlord Urgork changes everything, especially as his objectives go beyond simply finding the biggest scrap possible – the canny Urgork has a plan, and it involves Polixis.

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Of Honour and Iron – Ian St. Martin

The fourth novel in the Space Marine Conquests series, Of Honour and Iron completes the set of the big four Chapters as Ian St. Martin tackles a story of the Ultramarines during the Indomitus Crusade. Pulled from an active warzone by order of their Primarch, Chaplain Helios and Sergeant Theron are sent on a secretive mission to retrieve something vital to the ongoing crusade, with only a handful of the new Primaris Marines for company. Meanwhile on a ravaged Imperial world, the Genesis Chapter lead a doomed defence against the forces of Warsmith Bolaraphon of the Iron Warriors.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Unsung War – David Annandale

Available as a standalone e-short or as the first story in Inferno! Volume 1, The Unsung War sees David Annandale tackling Ultramarines Primaris Marines in a story of pragmatism and sacrifice. Deep in the bowels of the freighter Summons of Faith, two Ultramarines Intercessors are being held captive by drukhari raiders, in the wake of a disastrous mission to cleanse the ship of its tainted crew. A resourceful human stowaway offers them hope of fighting back, but in order to have any chance of victory, and avert a great tragedy, the Ultramarines may have to turn to the lesser of two evils for aid.

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RAPID FIRE: Guy Haley Talks Dark Imperium: Plague War

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Guy Haley about his latest 40k novel Dark Imperium: Plague War, one of three releases from the always-busy Guy due in October, which is available to order right now.

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Assault on Black Reach – Nick Kyme

Released in 2008 to tie in with the Warhammer 40,000 starter set of the same name, Nick Kyme’s novella Assault on Black Reach tells the story of the epic conflict between the Ultramarines 2nd Company and the vast ork Waaagh! of warlord Zanzog on the ravaged world of Black Reach. Led by Captain Cato Sicarius, the Ultramarines launch a blistering drop assault to strike at the head of the ork horde, intending to kill Zanzag and cripple the orks in a single devastating blow. Some among the Ultramarines, however, fear that Sicarius risks too much in his thirst for glory.

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