Tag Archives: Legend of the Five Rings

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: David Annandale Talks Curse of Honor

Welcome to this Track of Words Author Interview, my ongoing series of quick interviews with authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

For this interview I spoke to David Annandale, whose new novel Curse of Honor is his first from Aconyte Books, and kicks off their new range of Legends of the Five Rings fiction. It’s published in the US (in paperback) and as an ebook on the 6th October, while the UK paperback is due out in November. If you fancy a bit of fantasy horror, and whether or not you’re already familiar with this particular setting, I can strongly recommend this great novel!

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Curse of Honor – David Annandale

David Annandale’s novel Curse of Honor kicks off the new range of Legend of the Five Rings fiction from Aconyte Books with a sinister tale of duty, ambition, misplaced pride and monstrous darkness. Lieutenant Hida Haru is destined to one day become the daimyō of Striking Dawn Castle, but before then he has to somehow prove himself to his family, a task at which he has spectacularly failed thus far. When he stumbles upon a foreboding city hidden within the Twilight Mountains, he sees a chance to make a name for himself and strike a blow against the Shadowlands, but his ill-timed actions only lead to disaster. With cracks forming in the fragile alliances within Striking Dawn, and a horrifying evil unleashed upon the castle, its defenders must find a way to guard against terrible enemies both within and without.

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