Tag Archives: Edoardo Albert

QUICK REVIEW: Last Flight – Edoardo Albert

For his second Black Library story – Last Flight – Edoardo Albert delivers a tale of courage and survival in the skies over a war-torn water world. The war on Sagaraya reaches a turning point when the heretic fleet is forced into attack range of the Imperial Navy…just. Pilot Commander Baruch Neriah leads his Marauder squadron on a daring attack run against a gargantuan aircraft carrier that forms the backbone of the Chaos forces, despite knowing that his bomber, the Spirit of St. Pascale, doesn’t have the range to safely return to the following Imperial fleet.

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QUICK REVIEW: Born of the Storm – Edoardo Albert

Edoardo Albert makes his Black Library debut with Born of the Storm, a 40k short story offering a characterful view of the Fulminators Chapter’s recruitment process. Even at an early age, listening to his father read stories of angels, dragons, wolves and knights, Augustin knew he wanted to grow up to fight monsters. From battling ambushing gangers as a cadet in the Astra Militarum to surviving hardships under the storm-ridden skies of Mars, he must overcome challenge after challenge, endure brutal hardships and sacrifice much – even the last links to his family – for the chance to attain his dream.

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