Tag Archives: Blackstone Fortress

RAPID FIRE: Darius Hinks Talks The Beast Inside

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Darius Hinks about his latest Black Library release – the Blackstone Fortress audio drama The Beast Inside, which is Darius’ first Black Library audio! It’s available to order in CD or MP3 formats right now – if you’re a Blackstone Fortress fan, now’s the time to explore it even further.

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QUICK REVIEW: The Warp’s Curse – Michael J. Hollows

The Warp’s Curse is Michael J. Hollows’ second Black Library short story, but his first Blackstone Fortress tale. For Primaris psyker Aradia Madellan, venturing into the fortress is an opportunity to understand the cause of the visions that have been plaguing her, and to find a way to avert the catastrophe they foretell. As she sets out to explore in the company of Taddeus the Purifier and the aeldari Amallyn Shadowguide she’s forced to confront not only the fortress’ dangerous inhabitants but the prejudices of her companions too, with her own warp-born powers proving both a blessing and a curse.

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Black Library Advent Calendar 2018 – Recap

We’ve reached the very end of 2018, and now that the Black Library Advent Calendar has finished for another year, I’m taking my usual look back at what the series contained and whether there’s anything we can extrapolate from what’s been included. As with previous years I’m not going to go into too much detail about each story in this article, as you can check out links to all of my reviews by clicking here. Instead I’m going to have a look at each of the different settings in turn, and think about things as a whole.

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QUICK REVIEW: Purity is a Lie – Gav Thorpe

Gav Thorpe’s Blackstone Fortress short story Purity is a Lie features several of the same characters as Darius Hinks’ novel Blackstone Fortress, and sees the firebrand priest Taddeus the Purifier join Rogue Trader Janus Draik on an expedition to the Fortress itself. Taddeus despises the faithless masses surrounding him on Precipice, but when he’s invited by Draik to join the expedition he recognises the need to rise above his distaste in order to enact the Emperor’s will. Battling through the Fortress, he’s begrudgingly forced to accept that perhaps his faith isn’t the only thing he needs in order to succeed.

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Blackstone Fortress – Darius Hinks

Darius Hinks’ Blackstone Fortress was released at the same time as the game of the same name, although it’s not so much a novelisation of the game but a standalone tale simply featuring the same setting and characters. As befits a Warhammer Quest game this is a warped, 40k-style dungeon-crawler adventure centred on Janus Draik, the disgraced scion of a noble Terran house. Determined to honour his family name, Draik gathers a motley selection of companions and ventures deep into the Blackstone, but rather than seeking out riches he plans to take control of the Fortress in the Imperium’s name.

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QUICK REVIEW: Motherlode – Nick Kyme

Nick Kyme’s Motherlode is a cheeky, irreverent little Blackstone Fortress short story featuring the ratling brothers Rein and Raus, ex-Militarum auxiliaries who survive by virtue of nimble fingers, sharp wits and brotherly teamwork. After ditching their last client and returning to Precipice with valuables to sell, the brothers’ celebratory mood doesn’t last very long. When an attempt to offload their prize goes awry, it soon becomes clear that enemies from their shady past are returning to haunt them, and their survival instincts are going to be sorely tested if they’re to find a way out of this particular pickle.

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QUICK REVIEW: Man of Iron – Guy Haley

Guy Haley’s Blackstone Fortress short story Man of Iron focuses on the intriguing character of UR-025, and offers a short but entertaining insight into what goes on behind the blank facade of this ‘Imperial Robot’. We’re first introduced to UR-025 through the eyes of Rein the ratling, before the robot joins with a party of Adeptus Mechanicus tech-priests and heads into the Fortress in search of archeotech. Once within the shifting halls of the Fortress the priests are reliant upon UR-025 for both directions and protection, all the while unaware of its real reasons for choosing to accompany them.

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Black Library Advent Calendar 2018

December has come round once again, which means it’s time for the 2018 Black Library Advent Calendar! As is the Black Library tradition, there’s going to be 24 days of Black Library fiction in the run up to Christmas, with a new* short story or audio drama revealed each day. This year it’s mostly short stories, with just six of the tales coming in as audio dramas (compared to 10 audios in 2017), and things are split across 40k (including Blackstone Fortress!), Age of Sigmar, Necromunda and the Horus Heresy.

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RAPID FIRE: Darius Hinks Talks Blackstone Fortress

Welcome to this instalment of Rapid Fire, my ongoing series of quick interviews with Black Library authors talking about their new releases. These are short and sweet interviews, with the idea being that each author will answer (more or less) the same questions – by the end of each interview I hope you will have a good idea of what the new book (or audio drama) is about, what inspired it and why you might want to read or listen to it.

In this instalment I spoke to Darius Hinks about his latest 40k novel Blackstone Fortress, which is currently available to pre-order alongside the brand new boxed game of the same name. It’s even available as a beautiful special edition hardback, if you fancy an extra special edition.

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